dxfile2nx tutorial#

10 min read

the dxfile2nx application is used to convert an acquisition stored with the dxfile format to the NXTomo format.

To call this application you can call directly

nxtomomill dxfile2nx [input_file] [output_file] [[options]]

You can access help by calling

$ nxtomomill dxfile2nx --help
usage: nxtomomill dxfile2nx [-h] [--input_entry INPUT_ENTRY]
                            [--output_entry OUTPUT_ENTRY]
                            [--file_extension FILE_EXTENSION]
                            [--scan-range SCAN_RANGE]
                            [--pixel-size PIXEL_SIZE] [--fov FIELD_OF_VIEW]
                            [--distance DISTANCE] [--energy ENERGY]
                            [--overwrite] [--no-data-copy]
                            input_file output_file

convert acquisition contained in provided dx file to NXTomo entry

positional arguments:
  input_file            master file of the acquisition
  output_file           output .nx or .h5 file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input_entry INPUT_ENTRY
                        h5py group path to be converted
  --output_entry OUTPUT_ENTRY
                        h5py group path to store the NXTomo
  --file_extension FILE_EXTENSION
                        extension of the output file. Valid values are
  --scan-range SCAN_RANGE
                        scan range of the projections. Dark and flat will
                        always be considered with rotation angle ==
  --pixel-size PIXEL_SIZE
                        pixel size in meter as (x pixel size, y pixel size)
  --fov FIELD_OF_VIEW, --field-of-view FIELD_OF_VIEW
                        pixel size in meter as (x pixel size, y pixel size)
  --distance DISTANCE, --detector-sample-distance DISTANCE
                        sample to detector distance (in meter)
  --energy ENERGY, --incident-beam-energy ENERGY
                        incident beam energy in keV
  --overwrite           Do not ask for user permission to overwrite output
  --no-data-copy        Avoid creating any symbolic link between input and
                        output fileand duplicate the frame datasets to have a
                        'all-in-one' output file.

Here is an example on how to convert a dxfile. For it we downloaded the tomo_00068 dataset

To convert it we simply go for

nxtomomill dxfile2nx tomo_00068.h5 tomo_00068.nx

Here the conversion will set default values to parameters that are not recorded in the dxfile but that tomography software mights need. Such as beam energy … Here is an example of providing more information to the converter and requesting the converter to overwrite the output NXtomo entry if it exists

nxtomomill dxfile2nx tomo_00068.h5 tomo_00068.nx --scan-range 0,180 --distance 0.15 --energy 14 --overwrite

Here is an example of the NXTomo entry generated:


From it you can can several tomography tool like nabu or nabu.


to have a complete usage of tomwer you will also have to provide the field of view of the detector (Full or Half)

Example of the reconstruction of the middle slice using nabu:
