edf2nx tutorial#

10 min read

the edf2nx application is used to convert acquisition from edf standard tomography scans to a nexus/hdf5 - NXtomo compliant format. This format will also be stored in .h5 / .hdf5 / .nx file. For comprehension we will use the nexus format (.nx) in this tutorial.

To access this application you can call directly

nxtomomill edf2nx [-h] [--dataset-basename DATASET_BASENAME] [--info-file INFO_FILE] [--config CONFIG] [scan_path] [output_file]

if nxtomomill has been installed in the global scope. Otherwise you can call

nxtomomill edf2nx [options]

simple convertion (no configuration file)#

To execute a conversion from EDF-Spec to NXtomo using the default parameters the first two parameters should be:

  • input folder directory aka scan_path: root directory containing all the .edf frames and the .info file of the acquisition. By default it expects this folder name to be the .edf file prefix (as folder_name_0000.edf…) and .info file to be named folder_name.info. To have advanced option on this please have a look at edf2nxtutorialConfigFile and on dataset_basename and dataset_info_file fields.

  • output_file: output filename which will contain the NXtomo created

Sor for example to convert an edf-like tomography dataset ‘/data/idxx/inhouse/myname/sample1_’ to ‘sample1_.nx’ you should call:

nxtomomill edf2nx /data/idxx/inhouse/myname/sample1_  /data/idxx/inhouse/myname/sample1_.nx

Normally the resulting file should have more or less the same size than the initial directory.

You can also access the help of edf2nx by calling:

nxtomomill edf2nx --help

The result can be displayed using any hdf5 display or using silx:

silx view /data/idxx/inhouse/myname/sample1_.nx

All the .edf files in the origin directory are considered except those having ‘_slice_’ in their name.

The algorithm selects raw dark fields - darkendxxxx.edf - and raw flat fields refxxxx.edf. However, if processed darks (dark.edf) and refs (refHST) exist, they are stored in the destination file instead of the raw files. The names of the motors are defined to some defauls (‘srot’, ‘somega’) for the rotation, ‘sx’, ‘sy’ and ‘sz’ for the positioning motors. You can defined different keys from the configuration file. If you have ‘redundant’ keys to be used you can also let us know so we can add those as default keys.

advanced convertion (using configuration file)#

The conversion is based on settings (defined in settings.py module and EDFTomoConfig class). In order to define:

  1. which key of the EDF headers should be used to get rotation angle, translations

  2. prefix to be used to deduce dark and flat files

  3. rules to compute rotation angle if we cannot deduce them from edf headers

  4. pattern to recognize some file to be ignored (like pyhst reconstruction files)

All of the settings used can be defined on a configuration file. A configuration file can be created from:

nxtomomill edf-config [edf_2nx_config.cfg] [--level]

For now user can get configuration file with two level of details: required and advanced.

Sections and fields comments should be clear enought for you to understand the meaning of each elements (otherwise let us know). We can notice that for the previous explained case:

  1. define EDF header keys to be used: this will be defined in the EDF_KEYS_SECTION section

  2. define prefix to be used for dark and flat: this will be defined in the DARK_AND_FLAT_SECTION section

  3. rules to compute rotation angle if we cannot deduce them from edf headers: this will be defined in the SAMPLE_SECTION section

  4. pattern to recognize some file to be ignored (like pyhst reconstruction files): this will be defined in the GENERAL_SECTION section

Regarding the GENERAL_SECTION we can also provide more hint on:

  • dataset_basename: the dataset_basename will be used to deduce all the information required to build a NXtomo: get projections files (like dataset_basename_XXXX.edf) and retrieve infomration like energy, sample / detector distance from the >info file.

    If not provided then the dataset_basename will be the name of the provided folder.

  • dataset_info_file: In order to retrieve scan range, energy, distance, pixel size… we use a .info file with predefined keys.

    If not provided the converted will look for a dataset_basename.info file. But you can provide provide path to another .info file to be used.

Once your configuration is edited you can use it from the nxtomomill edf2nx using the –config option like:

nxtomomill edf2nx --config edf_2nx_config.cfg


to ease usage the “dataset basename” and the “info file” can also be provided from command line (–dataset-basename and –info-file options). If you provide one of those parameters from the command line option then it should not be provided from the configuration. This is the same for scan_path aka folder path (containing raw data / .edf) and output_file